Friday, May 25, 2012

AQS Quilt Show Bus Trip

Only 8 seats left on the bus trip to Grand Rapids and the AQS Quilt Show. The date is Saturday, August 25, leaving Meijers on Columbia Ave. at 8:00 a.m. $45 for members and $50 for non-members includes admission, transportation to and from Grand Rapids and all the fun you stand. Call Karen at 269-986-9808 or email at

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Update on Programs

October Guild meeting will be a Halloween Party with prizes for best costumes. Nancy Conn will be presenting. Show and Tell of Halloween quilts and projects.

November Guild will be the certified Judy Niemeyer teacher presenting. Her 2-day workshop is the 12th and 13th with cutting the first day and sewing the second day.

"What to put in the Blank Spots" presentation by Wanda Werner and Joyce Rupp is moved up to December guild meeting which is about machine quilting on your domestic machine.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Quilt Show Forms

Just wanted to let guild members know that quilt show forms can be found on website, and blog. The forms on the blog are not pdf so they will not print out perfectly but they work.